Senin, 05 Januari 2009

My life in 2008

2008, I got so many new experiences that I hadn’t even dream about in previous year. Year that full with good things for me and made me even more longing to be close with God the Almighty. Feeling so blessed… Started in January I was offered to teach English in Salemba Group Learning Courses by Mila. I was in doubt at the beginning since I never had any courses before so I had no idea how to teach in Learning Courses, neither English courses. All capabilities of mine got autodidactic. So, I should give it a try so I'd be able to know whether I was deserved it or not Thank God that I felt really enjoy with new environment. I never thought that I would find lovely working environment at Salemba Group. In February, a new job was flown into my hand. Aat, my partner at ISAFIS offered me to join in private teaching learning courses titled Alika at Depok 2. In the near time I got some side-jobs in teaching English Then March, Ucrinz gave me suggestion to apply in Ganesha Operation Learning Courses. I tried and accepted too. I got some schedules there. It was the first time in my life I get my own earnings. Nothing compare the feeling of satisfaction of getting our own income, that's for sure. Usually you just asking your mom for anything you want to buy but now you can give it to your mother, for your family. It felt like you already being an independent man. I haven’t asked for money to my mother, even for paying credit, lunch, holiday, etc. It was the first time I can hold some big amount of money in a month that even can beat my friends' income who work in a company. April, also for the first time, I have a Table Manner class. Wearing business attire and ate with manner in a restaurant. Haha… In the same month, I joined as usher at Kick Andy Goes to Campus and Annual Regional Government Meeting at UI. May. Well, I was feeling dilemma. One side, I was in fire of falling in love again with my ex. On the other hand, there were two other girls revealed their feelings to me June was amazing! I joined in 2nd Asia-Europe Youth Interfaith Dialogue. For the first time in my life, one of my dreams came true. I joined in some days meeting with youth from Asia and Europe in International system, taking part in delivering idea for world concern, eats International meals menu all time in five-star hotel in Bandung. All done in English. And I made friends with so many people there!!! July I had internship at Information and Media Services, Department of Foreign Affairs for a month with Jessi and Affi. We met Nika, Inggar and others too. Well, once again I got friends. The internship was both interesting and boring. Haha. But there are so many nice people there, esp Mba Wi. This month, I also got a job as translator for Kalbe Nutritional handbook. Hmm… it’s really hard August, I was chosen as Abang Depok 2008, the Tourism Youth Ambassador of Depok City. I was shocked by myself that I won the pageant. I was so glad that my mother really proud of me. The biggest happiness for a kid is to see his parents proud of him, happy and smile for him and when he feels that he can repay all goodness that parents give to him. September. Actually I got an internship at Panasonic. Through all selection process and interview, I was accepted in Press Relations. BUT. Unfortunately, the manager said that she needed me to work fulltime so I have to choose between working in Panasonic and study. So, I chose my study. One more! In September 2008 for the first time too, I held a surprise party for my mother and my friend. What a good experience… October I met Gero and friends. They came from Germany and would stay 4 days in Jakarta before going to Semarang to do volunteer. I became a tour guide for them. Had to find hotel in Jaksa street, pick them up at airport, make sure they got all their needs, accompany them touring in Jakarta and other things. At the same time, I also pass the outline council for my final paper. Yes! Haha… Unfortunately I had to bury my dream to graduate within 3,5 year because I didn’t have much time to done my paper since all papers should be collected in the end of December. So I just had two months left. Actually it’s possible for me to wrap the paper in two months but in November, I would join the selection and quarantine process as Mojang Jajaka Jawa Barat 2008 (Tourism Youth Ambassador of West Java) in a whole one month where I met kind friends around West Java, like Fahri Dian Fery Rudi Dita Andra Kinan Resi Yusuf Feri Afri etc. By the way, on November my pictures are spread at some spots in Depok. Haha. Well, back to my final paper case, I couldn’t finish it in a month reminds that I must have some consultation schedules with my lecturer, doing research, processing data and other steps so,,, huhuhu. December. I was happy for my friends’ graduation. Presti, Rina, Pius, Kippy. And I also was offered to join Danone business competition and apply to be Javajazz committee that will be announced in January 2009. There were big stories in 2008. So many good things happened. About my job, my friends, offer from an agency, about my life. I felt so more freedom this year and I learnt big learn about being sincere. Allah Maha Baik

2 komentar:

wynaarini mengatakan...

i have to admit.. i really envy you bang.. hii, aku mauuuuuuuu...

Erwin mengatakan...

do ur best win. satu hal yang bisa gw bilang ke lo, dan ini adalah 'warisan' dari sepupu gw. dia bilang "masa muda itu bukan cuma buat senang-senang. kalo lo bisa hidup dari jerih payah lo sendiri selagi temen-temen lo masih minta sama orang tua, lo dan keluarga lo akan bangga. dan percaya atau ga, itu yang membuat diri lo lebih dewasa dalam memaknai hidup dan melihat masalah"